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ПролеВики:Библиотека: различия между версиями

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{{заголовок|''Библиотека ПролеВики''}}
{{#seo:|title=ProleWiki Library - ProleWiki|image=lenin_library.jpg|description=Read more than 300 books from Marx, Engels, Lenin and more free on ProleWiki!|robots=index,follow}}
Коллекция текстов, статей и книг, связанных с [[Социализм|социализмом]]. Ранее этот раздел был предназначен лишь для [[марксизм-ленинизм|марксистско-ленинских]] работ, но сейчас в библиотеку принимается большее количество работ, включая немарксистских социалистов, а также работы, противостоящие социализму, но важные для его понимания.

Вы можете найти все работы [[:Категория:Библиотечные работы марксист-ленинистов|марксистско-ленинских авторов здесь]].
{{Library homepage}} Read more than 300 books and documents from [[:Категория:Library works by Karl Marx|Marx]], [[:Категория:Library works by Friedrich Engels|Engels]], [[:Категория:Library works by Vladimir Lenin|Lenin]] and more free on ProleWiki!
{{TOC limit|3}}

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''Don't see a certain author? Look in Topics (near the bottom of the page)!''

==Избранные работы==
Browse the [[ПролеВики:Library/Latest additions| latest added works]].

# [[Библиотека:Три источника и три составных части марксизма|Три источника и три составных части марксизма]] ([[Владимир Ленин|Ленин]])
== Selected authors ==
# [[Библиотека:Манифест коммунистической партии|Манифест коммунистической партии]] ([[Карл Маркс|Маркс]] и [[Фридрих Энгельс|Энгельс]])
<div class="library-container">
# [[Библиотека:Государство и революция|Государство и революция]] (Ленин)
{{Library card|name=Karl Marx|desc=Karl Marx was the pioneer of Scientific Socialism, an economist, philosopher and sociologist.|image=Marx_colorised_thumb.jpeg|category=Library works by Karl Marx|left=-30}} {{Library card|name=Friedrich Engels|desc=Along with Marx, Established the ground work of Marxism through an examination of the rise of capitalism, the history of society, and critique of many prevalent philosophies. Established the First International Workers' organisation.|image=Engels colorised thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Friedrich Engels|left=-15}} {{Library card|name=Vladimir Lenin|desc=Helped create the Bolshevik party. Led the Soviets to power in the Russian Revolution. Elected to the head of the Soviet government until 1922. Created the Communist International. Created the theory of Imperialism, emphasised the importance of the political party as vanguard in the revolution.|image=Lenin colorised thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Vladimir Lenin}} {{Library card|name=Joseph Stalin|desc=Georgian Marxist–Leninist. Elected leader of the Soviet Union who oversaw the transformation of the USSR from an illiterate rural backwater to a socialist superpower. Under Stalin's leadership, the USSR played a principal role in the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.|image=Iosif Stalin colorised thumb.png|category=Library works by Joseph Stalin|left=9}}

==Основные работы==
== Marxist-Leninist theorists ==
===Карл Маркс и Фридрих Энгельс===
[[:Категория:Библиотечные работы Карла Маркса|[Категория для работ Маркса]]] [[:Категория:Библиотечные работы Фридриха Энгельса|[Категория для работ Энгельса]]]

{| class="wikitable sortable"
=== Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ===
<div class="library-container">
{{Library card|name=Mao Zedong|image=Mao Zedong thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Mao Zedong|left=-10}} {{Library card|name=Deng Xiaoping|image=Deng Portrait thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Deng Xiaoping|left=-25}} {{Library card|name=Xi Jinping|image=Xi Jinping waving thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Xi Jinping}} {{Library card|name=Cheng Enfu|image=Cheng Enfu.png|category=Library works by Cheng Enfu|left=-10}}
=== Juche ===
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{{Library card|name=Kim Il Sung|image=Kim Il Sung thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Kim Il Sung|left=-20}} {{Library card|name=Kim Jong Il|image=Kim Jong Il thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Kim Jong Il|left=-18}} {{Library card|name=Kim Jong Un|image=Kim jong un portrait thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Kim Jong Un|left=-25}}
=== Others ===
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{{Library card|name=Fidel Castro|image=Fidel Castro colorized thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Fidel Castro}} {{Library card|name=Ho Chi Minh|image=Uncle Ho thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Ho Chi Minh}} {{Library card||name=Alexandra Kollontai|desc=Russian communist revolutionary and proletarian feminist. She criticized bourgeois feminism as well as the class reductionism of some other Marxists.|image=Alexandra-kollontai-color thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Alexandra Kollontai}} {{Library card|name=Evo Morales Ayma|image=EvoMorales thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works by Evo Morales Ayma}} {{Library card|name=Thomas Sankara|image=Thomas-Sankara thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works by Thomas Sankara}}
== Communist and socialist authors ==
=== Communists ===
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{{Library card|name=Nick Estes|image=Nick Estes.png|category=Library works by Nick Estes|left=-30|top=15}} {{Library card|name=Frantz Fanon|image=Frantz fanon colorised thumbnail.png|category=Library works by Frantz Fanon}} {{Library card|name=Leslie Feinberg|image=Leslie Feinberg flag.png|category=Library works by Leslie Feinberg|left=-15}} {{Library card||name=Nia Frome|category=Library works by Nia Frome|left=-10|top=10}} {{Library card|name=Maxim Gorky|image=Maxim Gorky thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Maxim Gorky|top=10|left=5}} {{Library card|name=Enver Hoxha|image=Enver_Hoxha_picture.jpg|category=Library works by Enver Hoxha|left=-45}} {{Library card|name=Domenico Losurdo|image=Losurdo thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works by Domenico Losurdo|left=-10}} {{Library card|name=Rosa Luxemburg|image=Rosa Luxemburg colorised thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Rosa Luxemburg}} {{Library card|name=Michael Parenti|image=Michael_Parenti,_Democracy_and_the_Pathology_of_Wealth,_44m30s.jpg|category=Library works by Michael Parenti|left=-15}} {{Library card|name=Vijay Prashad|image=Vijay Prashad thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Vijay Prashad|left=-10|top=10}}
=== Socialists ===
<div class="library-container">
{{Library card|name=Eugene V. Debs|image=Eugene V. Debs color thumb.jpeg|category=Library works by Eugene V. Debs|left=-20|top=5}} {{Library card|name=Muammar Gaddafi|image=Muammar Gaddafi colorised thumb.jpeg|category=Library works by Muammar Gaddafi}} {{Library card|name=Martin Luther King Jr.|image=MLKJr colorised thumb.jpg|category=Library works by Martin Luther King Jr.|left=-20}} {{Library card|name=Kwame Nkrumah|image=Portrait of Kwame Nkrumah thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works by Kwame Nkrumah}}
== Works about countries ==
=== Actually existing socialism ===
<div class="library-container">
{{Library card mid|name=Soviet Union|image=Soviet union at night thumbnail.png|category=Library works about the Soviet Union}} {{Library card mid|name=China|image=China monument thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about China|scale=1.0}} {{Library card mid|name=GDR|image=GDR flags thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about the GDR}} {{Library card mid|name=Cuba|image=Cuba monument thumbnail.png|category=Library works about Cuba|scale=1.2}} {{Library card mid|name=DPRK|image=WPK statue.png|category=Library works about the DPRK|scale=2.3}} {{Library card mid|name=Laos|image=Laos monument thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about Laos}} {{Library card mid|name=Vietnam|image=Vietnam monument thumbnail .png|category=Library works about Vietnam|scale=0.92}} {{Library card mid|name=Yugoslavia|image=Yugoslav flag.png|category=Library works about Yugoslavia|scale=1.8}}
=== Other countries ===
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{{Library card mid|name=India|image=Kerala communist monument thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about India}} {{Library card mid|name=Palestine|image=Man with Palestinian flag thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about Palestine}} {{Library card mid|name=USA|image=Lenin-statue-in-Fremont.jpg|category=Library works about the United States of America}}
== Documents from communist parties and countries ==
=== Ruling parties ===
<div class="library-container">
{{Library card mid|name=Soviet Union|image=The Motherland Is Calling thumbnail.jpeg|category=Library documents from the Soviet Union}} {{Library card mid|name=China|image=Shaomin Red Lantern thumbnail.jpg|category=Library documents from China}} {{Library card mid||name=DPRK|image=Chollima poster thumbnail.jpg|category=Library documents from the DPRK}} {{Library card mid||name=Vietnam|image=Ho Chi Minh thumbnail.jpg|category=Library documents from Vietnam}} {{Library card mid|name=Albania|image=Socialist albania thumbnail.png|category=Library documents from Albania}} {{Library card mid|name=Mongolia|image=Mongolian communist poster thumbnail.jpg|category=Library documents from Mongolia}}
=== Non-ruling parties ===
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{{Library card mid|name=Brazil|image=Map of brazil from soviet atlas 1928 thumbnail.png|category=Library documents from Brazil}} {{Library card mid|name=Palestine|image=Soviet_anti-Zionist_poster_thumbnail.jpg|category=Library documents from Palestine}} {{Library card mid|name=Russia|image=KPRF flag thumbnail.png|category=Library documents from Russia}} {{Library card mid|name=USA|image=Map of USA from soviet atlas 1928 thumbnail.png|category=Library documents from the United States of America}}
== Other topics ==
<div class="library-container">
{{Library card mid|name=Decolonisation|desc=Books about decolonization theory|image=The_chains_are_breaking.png|category=Library works about decolonisation|scale=1.4}} {{Library card mid|name=Economics|image=Exploitation oppression war poster.png|category=Library works about economics|scale=2}} {{Library card mid|name=Fascism|image=Soviet poster against hitler's advance 1941.jpeg|category=Library works about fascism}} {{Library card mid|name=Feminism|image=Soviet_feminism_poster.jpg|category=Library works about feminism}} {{Library card mid|name=Geopolitics|image=Comrade Lenin cleans the Earth thumbnail.jpg|category=Library works about geopolitics}} {{Library card mid|name=Imperialism|image=Imperialism.jpg|category=Library works about imperialism|scale=2.2}} {{Library card mid|name=LGBTQ+|image=Communist_LGBTQ+_symbol_midcard_size.png|category=Library works about LGBT+|scale=.9}} {{Library card mid|name=Military theory|image=Vietnam propaganda poster 1961.jpeg|category=Library works about military theory}} {{Library card mid|name=Philosophy|image=Knowledge_will_break_the_chains_of_slavery_-_Soviet_Poster.webp|category=Library works about philosophy}} {{Library card mid|name=Revisionism|image=Chinese-soviet-propaganda-posters (10).jpg|category=Library works about revisionism|scale=0.95}} {{Library card mid|name=Non-communist authors|image=Bourgeois_internationalism_poster.png|category=Library works by non-marxists and other authors}}
== Interviews, speeches and transcripts ==
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{{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Interviews|Interviews]]|image=Lenin with Stalin.png|link=:Category:Interviews|name=Interviews}} {{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Speeches|Speeches]]|image=Speech-of-lenin-on-the-red-square-1959.jpg|link=:Category:Speeches|name=Speeches}} {{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Video Transcripts|Transcripts (video)]]|image=Vsevolod-Medvedev-1912-1985.-Lenin-reading-a-newspaper-Pravda.-Oil-on-canvas.-1965.jpg|link=:Category:Video Transcripts|name=Transcripts (video)}} {{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Song lyrics|Songs]]|image=Dj stalin.jpg|link=:Category:Song lyrics|name=Songs}} {{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:PDF works|PDF files]]|image=kim jong un computer.jpeg|link=:Category:PDF works|name=PDF files}}
== Study guides and reading lists ==
<div class="library-container-mini">
{{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Crit's absolute beginner reading list|Absolute beginner list]]|desc=A 6-book reading list for absolute beginners, which will give you a working knowledge of Marxism upon completion.|image=marx_to_lenin_beginner_reading_list.png|link=:Category:Crit's absolute beginner reading list|name=Crit's absolute beginner list}} {{Library card mini|text=[[:Category:Palestinian resistance reading list|Palestinian resistance reading list]]|image=Palestine-flag.jpg|link=:Category:Palestinian resistance reading list|name=Palestinian resistance reading list}} {{Library card_mini|text=[[:Category:Reading lists|All reading lists]]|image=Mao reading book thumbnail.png|link=:Category:Reading lists|name=All reading lists}}

Версия от 17:43, 28 февраля 2024

Read more than 300 books and documents from Marx, Engels, Lenin and more free on ProleWiki!

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Marxist-Leninist theorists

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics



Communist and socialist authors



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Actually existing socialism

Other countries

Documents from communist parties and countries

Ruling parties

Non-ruling parties

Other topics

Interviews, speeches and transcripts

Transcripts (video)
PDF files

Study guides and reading lists

Crit's absolute beginner list
A 6-book reading list for absolute beginners, which will give you a working knowledge of Marxism upon completion.
Palestinian resistance reading list
All reading lists